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TatukGIS Viewer
و هو برنامج صغير و لكن إمكانياته تبقى كبيرة
يكفي فقط أن أشير أنه مثلا إذا رغبنا في
مشاهدة ملفات shapefile فإن فتح برنامج ArcGIG
يأخذ وقت إلى أن يفتح ، بالإضافة غلى أنه يؤثر على عمل الجهاز
في حالة كان لدينا جهاز بمواصفات متواضعة/ متوسطة
أما TatukGIS Viewer فهو خفيف جدا ز يدعم العديد من
صيغ الملفات بالإضافة إلى العديد من المميزات الأخرى
والتي سأترككم تكتشفونها


TatukGIS Viewer is regarded as a convenient as well as useful tool which opens most GIS/CAD vector, raster image, and grid file types, including the aerial imagery and vector street map data provided by the leading vendors, most ArcView, ArcExplorer, and MapInfo projects, and projects exported from ArcGIS/ArcMap using the free Arc2TatukGIS plug-in.

Besides just opening and viewing map files and attribute data, the Viewer includes a comprehensive visual layer properties control, legend control, attribute data table, features for thematic mapping, spatial and attribute querying, custom labeling, on-map measurements, hyper-linking, and much more. Advanced support for coordinate system includes automatic recognition of the coordinate system of each layer and on-the-fly reprojection of vector and raster map layers between nearly 3,000 pre-defined coordinate systems. The user interface is available in 16 language options.

Because it is compiled from the TatukGIS Developer Kernel product, the free Viewer provides good example of a DK based application and an easy way to evaluate the TatukGIS technology and support for data formats, coordinate systems, and other common GIS functionality. The free Viewer generates TatukGIS project files that are compatible with other TatukGIS products or custom applications developed from the TatukGIS Developer Kernel product, and ASP.NET projects for web publishing with the TatukGIS Internet Server.
Major Features:

1. Viewing:
* Zooming in/out, panning on the map
* Multiple vector file formats (layer types) in the same project
* Legend control (panel) to organize layers and layer priority
* Extended Legend for hierarchical layers, layer grouping, sub-projects
* MiniMap window with World or continent map tab options
* Visual layer property control for all aspects of the map appearance (colors, styles, polygon fills, outlines, symbols, labels, transparency, etc.)
* Create or edit TatukGIS project files
* Open ArcView 3, ArcExplorer, MapInfo Professional project files and projects exported from ArcGIS/ArcMap using the free Arc2TatukGIS plug-in
* Scale bar
* Custom render map geometry, styles, labels, symbols, etc. based on scale
* Manipulate pixel layers (brightness, transparency, histograms, etc.)
* Thematic mapping based on attribute values, colored-gradient value themes, color render grid layers
* CGM and TrueType symbols for points and lines; CGM, TrueType, and WMF symbols for fills
* Advanced attribute data presentation table with filtering and SQL Query Builder
* Spatial querying/selection (by point, line, circle, rectangle, polygon, buffer, custom clipboard layer, SQL query) based on the DE-9IM model (Dimensionally Extended 9 Intersection Model).
* Topological operations, e.g., buffers, intersections, unions, etc.
* Advanced labeling (Dynamic label placement, overlap avoidance, multi-field, formatted)
* HTML style rendering of labels
* Pie and bar charts
* Map hints to automatically display information about any feature under the cursor
* URL Hotlink feature to link map shapes via a URL to any web site, dcidocument, or mailto
* Multiple hotlinks to a single shape
* Open WMS/WFS (OpenGIS Web Map Service/Web Feature Service) map layers from a remote server
* Open ECWP map layer from a remote server
* R-tree spatial indexing for best performance with very large vector files
* Measurement tools for distance, area, and perimeter
* View data collected with a GPS device as a GPX layer
* PDF file generation for high resolution local printing of any map view
* Standard printing from the HTML image with limited resolution
* Template based printing with ability to add new print layouts
* Internet Server Wizard" to set up simple ASP.NET projects for web publishing with the TatukGIS Internet Server
* 16 language options for program user interface
* Antialiased output for enhanced map rendering quality
* Unicode support (for all foreign language characters)
2. Coordinate Systems:
* Nearly 3,000 pre-defined geographic coordinate systems (including all U.S. State Planes)
* Support for EPSG codes and OpenGIS WKT definitions
* User defined, custom coordinate systems based on 120 projections, 350 datums
* Automatic coordinate system recognition with any supported layer type (including PRJ file support)
* On-the-fly reprojection of vector, raster, and grid layers between coordinate systems for real-time map display

Requirements: Windows (95/98/2000/ME/NT/XP/Vista/Windows 7).